4 Simple Ways To Go Green For Earth Day
April 22nd is Earth Day. It’s a time for people to give back and do their part to care for the planet. A number of events across the world are held each year. If you would like to do your part, here are four simple things that you can do to help the environment. Use these ideas for Earth Day and year-round!
Turn Off Those Lights:
If you’re not in a room, why would you keep it lit? We’re all guilty of doing it, but leaving lights of when they’re not needed is simply a waste of electricity. By simply flipping the switch when you leave a room, you can decrease your impact on the environment.
Unplug Your Appliances:
Did you know that your appliances can still use electricity even when they’re not in use? Be sure to unplug your phone charger, toaster and other non-essential appliances and devices when you’re not using them.
Bring Your Own Shopping Bags:
Those grocery bags you use can really take a toll on the environment. Once you’ve unloaded your groceries, these bags generally go straight to the trash and eventually fill up landfills. Avoid using those paper or plastic bags at checkout and help the environment out by bringing your own reusable shopping bags.
Plant a Tree:
It may seem like a pretty generic activity for Earth Day, but that’s with good reason! Trees offer a number of benefits to the environment, including absorbing carbon dioxide and providing a natural habitat for wildlife. Planting just one tree can make a difference.